Monday, November 5, 2012

This is what I would tell my husband if he were here:

So Chris is away again. He comes back tomorrow and he won't have to be gone overnight again until next year sometime. It's not a big deal anymore when he's gone. I usually get a lot more done because I don't have anyone fun to waste time with in the evenings.  But one of the nice things about being married is that I have someone to tell everything that happened to me throughout the day. You know, all the important stuff and all the unimportant stuff. But my buddy is gone, and noone else really cares---except you dearest blog. So here is what I would tell Chris if he were here.

Sophie loved the new program they started for her age group at school. Every Monday in November we get her there a little early for something called "Rainbow Solar Group." I think it's an exercise class. Sophie reported that she got to chase all of her friends around in a circle and then she lifted someone's feet off the ground and then someone lifted her feet off the ground. Whatever. She loved it.

I almost went to the car place to get our car inspected but then I chickened out last minute. I recently got new tires put on our car and the guy spoke NO ENGLISH. The only way it worked out was that I knew the type of tires I wanted and knew how to say "tires" in German and I just kept saying it over and over again until it happened. This time I want a check up, and I want to know what needs to be serviced and I am a little worried that saying "tires" over and over again won't do the trick. There's a place on post with English speakers that would do it but a) I don't like them b) I don't trust them and c) they take a million years to get an appointment. This other place is in the next town over and comes highly recommended by other mothers at the Kindergarten. I'll do it tomorrow. Probably.

I cleaned the house today. Again. Having German classes in my home makes me clean more than ever before. I love how my house looks/feels. I do not like how much time it takes. I think I am getting faster at cleaning though.

Larissa, the eleven year old girl who comes and babysits during German classes, was sick today and couldn't come. Despite that, the four girls were really good and only interrupted us at the very end; however, our house is now trashed. Totally trashed. There is play dough ALL OVER our living room.

I ate chocolate and cookies for breakfast and lunch. This happens sometimes when Chris goes away.

I ate Chris's prepackaged brownies too, for a snack. I feel kind of bad about that. But they were delicious, and I was hungry because my breakfast wasn't very filling.

Also I am now going to fold all our laundry while I watch an episode of Sherlock. That is a fun show.


Shauna said...

This a cute post. My husband never travels but if he did I'm sure life would be very similar.

By the way I read through a bunch of your posts and your post about not wanting what you really want (sorry if I didn't word it exactly) was really touching, especially for some reason, it made me cry. I like your explanation about Christ and joy vs. happiness. Thank you for sharing your insights. Take great care,


PS I found you off of Becky's blog. :)

Lisa Lou said...

This made me happy to read. The only time Mark was gone for a long time was when he 1) went to San Francisco for 12 days and I stayed home because I was like 6 weeks preggy and super sicky; and 2) went on a cruise to Mexico for 4 days and I stayed in St. George to feed the baby. I say next time I'm coming to Germany and we can play with Play-doh and then make the kids clean it up.

Kathy Haynie said...

Maybe if you printed out a diagram of a car and had the mechanic point to things on the diagram? Add prices? Hmmm...that is a toughie. You sound very independent and capable. Good on you for holding up your end of things.

Becky said...

Awesome! you are such a good writer and you have such a great sense of humor! I love it!

alison said...

i eat brownies a lot for meals too. it's very satisfying.

Patricia said...

I love playing play dough with your girls!